Support Small Biz

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How to Help for Free

Support your favorite B&B's, Inns and Independent Lodging Properties!

We can all play a role in this nation-wide outreach, no matter what our circumstances. So, if you would like to help support independent lodging properties but don’t currently have the financial resources to do so, check out the list below with ways to provide support for FREE!

    • Have a photo of your last vacation at a B&B? Take a moment to reminisce and then share your photo and memories on social media. Be sure to tag the business!
    • Share a favorite Inn property or B&B in a social media post.
    • Like, Love and Comment on your favorite B&B posts.
    • Re-post your favorite B&B posts to share with your friends.
    • Tag a friend and tag the business and suggest it as a place for them to stay in the future. Suggest that they purchase a gift certificate now!
    • If you’ve stayed at a B&B, leave a 5-star review on TripAdvisor, Google or Yelp!
    • Keep the lodging property in mind as you plan a much-needed getaway once it’s safe to do so.
    • Post on the property’s social media page why you loved your last stay with them.
    • Volunteer your skilled services, such as financial, legal, construction, gardening, etc. at a neighboring inn.

Have other great free ideas to support our lodging industry?  Email them to!

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